President's Message

For the Last years, Mahila Mahavidyalaya Jhojhu Kalan has emerged as a hope in the field of women education in the rural area. During these years, thousands of Girls have got education in our college and have come off with remarkable achievements in the field of Higher Education. 21st centaury is the centaury of women. In every field, girls are giving tough competition to their male counterparts, and have outshone them in every field. Especially, in the field of education they have an edge over their male counterparts. In the coming times, areas without higher educational institutes will remain backward, and the families which do not allow their female child to get education will stand nowhere. Mahila Mahavidhyalaya, Jhojhu Kalan provides a serene and secure atmoshpher for the Education of girls. The college has qualified and competent faculty, a vast livrary, Reading Hall, Two computer Labs, Smart-Class Rooms, Language Lab, A wide and open playground and the state-of-the-art facilities for all round development of girls. Besides academic, this college has made remarkable achievements in SPORTS and Games at the University level. It is my earnest request to every girl child who comes over here for getting higher education to work hard in a disciplined manner and for putting in their best with whole hearted devotion to become a successful student. By studying in this college, they can shape their personality and career as per their aspirations. They must remember that the goddess Saraswati doesn�t make any discrimination on the basis of one's poverty or richness. Only dedicated hardworking students can get blessing of �Ma Saraswati�. There are ample examples of great personalities like Dr. Radhakrishanan, Sir Chhottu Ram, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Kiran Bedi, Ibrahim Lincoln and many more who inspite of belonging to common and poor families, reached pinnacle of the success in their lives by the dint of their hard work and concerted efforts. At last but not the least, I hope that every girl of this college will work hard with full dedication so that they could come off with flying colours in their lives bringing name and fame to their families and Alma Mater. I assure you of whole hearted cooperation from faculty members, administrative and supporting staff and the Managing Committee.

Sh. Dharamvir Singh